CJSC "Turkmentehnogurlushyk" offers a wide range of services related to programming, repair of communication equipment, software installation

Software development and implementation

  • Website development and further technical support;
  • Software optimization in enterprises and program writing;
  • Implementation and maintenance of programs designed to manage electronic documents;
  • Implementation and maintenance of 1C software, which allows you to automate and manage accounting reports and documents;
  • Installation and maintenance of the software "Digital GPS Monitoring Service" for monitoring vehicles using a GPS tracker and wireless communication;

SSL Certificate

  • Secure your website with an SSL certificate;
  • When carrying out banking operations and websites, etc. protecting the website during its operation;

Repair of equipment

  • Computer equipment repair;
  • Printer repair;
  • Repair of communication equipment;

AV Milli One Endpoint Security

  • Complete virus protection to ensure the cybersecurity of your computer device;