«Türkmenaragatnaşyk» agentligi Magtymguly Pyragynyň doglan gününiň 300 ýyllygy mynasybetli sowgatlyk hem-de ýubileý poçta markalarynyň şekil taslamalaryny taýýarlamak üçin döredijilik bäsleşigini yglan edýär

The “Turkmenaragatnashyk” Agency announces a creative competition for the preparation of image projects for gift and anniversary postage stamps in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Fragi. Participants can send the originals of their works to the address, Ashgabat, st. Mati Kose, 16, and also by email: turkmenpost@sanly.tm. Contact numbers: (+99312) 93-00-13 and 075.