About us

In an era of power and happiness, thanks to the unprecedented efforts of our esteemed President in all spheres, a lot of work is being done to develop the communication system of our country and further improve it in innovative technologies developed in accordance with world standards.

On the basis of the Decree № 1081 of the President of Turkmenistan dated January 29, 2019 and Order № MB-12 dated February 13, 2019 of the Ministry of Industry and Communications of Turkmenistan, the closed joint-stock company "Turkmentehnogurlushyk" was established.

Today, CJS“Türkmentehnogurluşyk” carries out the following activities:

  • Maintenance of computer equipment
  • Wired, wireless and international communication services
  • Communication system construction and design
  • Communication equipment repair, maintenance, software third-party work, “1C” and electronic document management
  • Telephone work, transmission of fiber optic and other communication cables
  • Building-installation and repair work
  • Manufacture of concrete products for use in construction
  • AV Milli One Endpoint Security
  • SSL derejeli sertifikaty

As is known, the main goal of the Program of Socio-Economic Development of the President of Turkmenistan for 2019-2025 is to strengthen the economic potential of our country initiated by our esteemed President, to bring it to the level of the developed countries of the world, to gradually transform the market economy. offers and performs its services to the development of our country for the happy future of our time with the above services.

'Türkmentehnogurluşyk' closed joint-stock company is economically viable in terms of inbound and outbound calls, telegrams, and transit to third-party telecom operators and companies using telecommunications and systems owned by Turkmentelecom. Currently, the operators of the Department of International Settlements and External Relations are Rostelecom LLC of the Russian Federation, Uzbektelecom LLC of Uzbekistan, Gazaktelecom LLC of Kazakhstan, ICT Company of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Turktelecom of Turkey, Turktelekom of Turkey. Industrial and Commercial Companies are establishing and conducting mutual settlements on all types of telecommunications on the basis of agreements with the Afghan Corporation of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, United Arab Emirates corporation 'ETISALAT'. In addition, this section conducts monthly reports and analyzes of communication services for each communication operator's balancing report, develops and negotiates favorable prices for interstate, international telephone, telegraph and telecommunications with foreign telecommunications administrations and companies, and negotiates access to Internet, telecommunications services offerings, transit TAE, leasing segment study and documentation on those proposals, implementation of correspondence, outgoing telephone, telegraph graphics for new high-quality and affordable services and communication operators, other state operators and work is being done to settle accounts with their companies and create a profitable situation.