CJSC "Türkmentehnogurluşyk" It offers a wide range of services related to construction, design, technical and analytical work in the field of telecommunications
Design and construction
Preparation and design of communication lines (optical fiber cables, telephone cables, etc.);
Construction and installation
Use of wells in communication systems (KRS2, KKC3), communication sewer columns;
Construction of communication lines, transmission of fiber optic and telephone cables over communication lines.
Düýpli abatlaýyş;
Enjamlary sökmek
Enjamlary gurnamak;
Design and construction
Preparation of draft and quantitative documents for high-level construction of communication lines;
Aragatnaşyk lagymynda kabelleri gurnamak;
Aragatnaşyk kanelleri kollektorlarda, tunellerde we köprülerde gurnamak (bar bolan gurluşlarda, kabel konsollarynda);
Asma kabel (howa);
Binalaryň we jaýlaryň içinde;
Suw päsgelçiliklerinden geçirmek;
Construction and installation
Telefon kanalizasiýasynyň gurluşygy şulary öz içine alýar:
Construction and overhaul of buildings up to 5 storeys high;
Kotlawan bilen gazmak we turbalar üçin garymlary taýýarlamak;